Monday, July 21, 2008

Evan Gundlach, Music business, universal distribution, Twin Cities

The summer seems to be just flying by. This week went by really quick although I had a pretty bad beginning. I had a slight case of pink eye but I caught it early on so I got rid of it pretty quick. I couldn’t go to universal on Tuesday since I might be contagious but by Thursday I was ok to go. On Thursday I found out that someone in California was making an artist appearance data place like the one we were working on. They sent it over so we now have a big list of shows that we might have missed. So this week I’ve been going through the other data base and adding a lot more titles to the data base. This new data base also has up coming shows so now as the shows happen we will be able to track if there is a lift in album sales. Friday we had another music meeting and watched a ton of new music videos. We heard some songs off the new Nelly cd that comes out this fall which was pretty cool. I also got the new beck and weezer albums which I was pretty excited about. Well hoping I stay healthy and can go for a full week this week until then ill talk to you later.

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