Monday, June 30, 2008

Evan Gundlach- universal-music buisness- twin cities


This week was a pretty hectic one. I had to be moving out of my apartment by the end of the weekend so I was running all over moving stuff back home, going to school, and interning. I ended up not having to come in on Friday since the music meeting was canceled and everyone in the analysis team where going to be gone. This was perfect since I needed a lot of time to move. I’m all done now but my week went pretty much like this. Tuesday went fine I worked a lot on the artist appearances and got a lot more information into the data base. I started a new schedule so I go in fifteen minutes earlier and get out a little early and it lets me beat a lot of traffic. One thing that I really like about universal is how laid back and understanding they are about a lot of things. Anyways Thursday I worked on more artist appearances but I got to fine new shows and add those into the data base. It was pretty cool that I got to make up my own section and put it in there. That was pretty much my week at universal. Till next time, Later!

-Evan Gundlach

Sunday, June 29, 2008

These Contracts All Look The Same!!!

Hey there! Langen from Soup Bowl again. This week has been more or less the same as every other week.

I finished getting information from radio stations' websites and creating a spreadsheet that included normal information about the stations like address, phone number, and contact names. The list ended up being well over 200 radio stations long. Hopefully it will help Soup Bowl in the near future. It's helping me and Distractions right now. 

Ryan and I got a bunch of copies of contracts from some teachers at school and we were comparing them to try and help us write our own contracts with riders and we realized that they were all the same except for a little bit of different wording. We never actually got a contract written but we definitely got some good ideas for our own contracts.

Well that's all for this week. 


Gray Matters

Well this in Soup Bowl Records was a fun one. Okay not really, but it's been hot. On Tuesday I had to look up more college newspapers for Ryan, which I did. I've collected a huge list of them. I just have to look up the conferences that the schools are in and then look up their newspaper. Though some of the websites for the newspapers don't have their mailing address on there so that always makes it hard to get in contact with them. That's all I really did on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I had to send out some more blog emails like usual. That wasn't so bad, just the same old thing that I usually do every Wednesday. I send out the emails to the same places every week hoping that the band will get mentioned. Though it has happened twice to The Z-MO Trio. So that is good, knowing that all my hard work is getting paid off.

This week Ryan is going to be gone, so we get to work with Brian, so that will be good. You know experience something else besides Ryan, though he is great. I wonder what we will be doing this week without Ryan there. Hmmm, you'll have to wait till next week to find out what I did this week.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Bear, that is all.....

Well here I am again with another tale of the exciting life at Soup Bowl Records. Well last week I didn't have to send out any blog emails so that was kind of different and I didn't have to look for local support for any shows. On Tuesday I was in charge of looking for new college newspapers. I had to look on their websites and find an address, someone to contact and all that info so we can send them promo stuff about the bands if they decide to head out there.

This part also went into Wednesday's work, where I had to look all over. Though some of the websites I was looking on had no address for their newspaper, which was quite weird and quite frustrating at the same time. That is mainly what I had to for last week, I know it doesn't seem like a lot but it there are a lot of colleges out there.

I was going to work on radio stations but Langen got that job for Wednesday so I was lucky not to have to do that one. But who knows what I'll be put up to this week during my internship. Till next time,

Monday, June 23, 2008

Evan Gundlach, Universal, Music business, Twin citys

Greetings again! Well this week was just about as eventful as the last. Over last weekend someone broke into the office building and stole three laptops. This was a huge problem since many of the computers were being taken up but it let me do some other things around the office. I did a lot of work in the mailroom this time delivering packages and helping send things out. This was nice because I actually got to meet a lot more people in the office and I got to know a lot more about what other people do. On Tuesday I got two tickets to the jack Johnson at Apple River in Wisconsin. I was really excited because I didn’t think I was going to get a ticket since they are in such high demand. The concert was great and I had a great time. On Thursday some of the laptops came in so more computers opened up. I worked on an artist appearance data base. This is where we look at an artist that has had a live performance and we enter information into the data base about it. After this we look at there record sales for the following weeks after the performance. Once you get all this information then you can see if there is a lift in the CD sales. Certain shows give artists more of a lift and those are the shows universal wants to put their artists on. On Friday about half of the office was gone so there wasn’t a music meeting. It was a really slow quite day and I actually left about an hour early. I worked on more artist appearances and some of the album tracking database and it was a really nice way to end the week. Week 3 was a great one and I hope week 4 is even better. Talk to you next time.

-Evan Gundlach

Nick Garrison - A.E.M.G. - L.A.

Hello again from sunny California, and by sunny, I mean hot. The weather today was around 110 degrees in the valley.
This past week at Alan Ett I was able to sit in on more sound and dialogue editing for different television shows. It's been really interesting to see how the shows are sent to them from the production companies and how certain sounds are added and dialogue cleaned up to enhance shows. Little things that aren't noticed by the normal television watcher add a lot to the show. You would certainly notice if certain room noises were left out, but their subtly when added in makes the show sound so much different. And believe me, I have now seen a show both ways.

Other than that, not too much went on this week. I caught a little cold that was going around the office, which caused me to go home sick on Monday.

One last thing, I did go check out a church service here at a place called Mosaic I had heard about. They have podcasts and deal with different media outlets and after chatting with some of the production staff, I was invited to come out early next Sunday to observe how they set up their equipment and different things they do behind the scenes.

Take care,

Traci @ Key Club, LA-- Music Business: Nothing new...

Hey all,

So this week I really have nothing new to report.  I spent 3 days recovering from a stomach bug before being able to go back to my internship.  Those last two days of the week were spent taking it easy and working on a project to get all our event planning information in a neatly organized binder that can be easily accessed by our planners and be presentable to our clients.  

Saturday ended with a bang... You can take this to be funny, or turn-of-phrase, but ironically is 100% true.  No, I choose not to decipher it.  It is a personal matter and those that were involved know what I am talking about, to everyone else, I apologize for being cryptic.  

Today was spent in relaxation watching one of the best television series ever created, Studio 60.  If you haven't seen it, you should watch it.  It won't take long, it was only one season, which is a major blow to the world of GOOD television.  

That's all I have this week.  It wasn't a great one, so I apologize that this post is not as upbeat and quirky as usual.  


Sunday, June 22, 2008

Unai Bolivar - 93XRocks! - Production - Twin Cities

Hey everyone,

Today concludes another week at the ever-so-dynamic 93XRocks! radio station. We did some more commercials this week and I got to practice my editing on the Audicy system some more. As usual we did our Loud & Local spot. The spot will evolve once again during the coming weeks but I am still making the final arrangements for that. The objective is to eventually feature either a spot that will push the minds of the McNally Smith student body and faculty towards figuring out a task of some sort, or to display the talented musicians that attend college. But as of now I bring ye' some pictures!
This soft-hearted, meanie to your left is Patrick. He is one of the DJs at 93X and is also my boss. My job currently consists of assisting him at the board during his sessions and tending to whatever he needs done. When doing the Loud & Local spot for example, my job is to make sure the CDs are in the proper order (yes, we DO have a system), that the beds and drops are loaded in order and ready to go by the time he needs them; making sure all systems are recording. As of next week I will be in charge of the board and all operation systems while Patrick just sits back and talks the show through. He has taught how everything works and I am confident in my ability to manage the engineering portion of the show.

Below is a picture of Patrick looking for the albums we used for last Sunday's L&L. I am still not used to the archiving hierarchy employed as it is, "kind of own system I guess..?" [from Patrick. Verbatim]. The system currently consists of Patrick knowing where most things are and myself still not having a clue of where to find most albums. To the best of my abilities I have managed to surmise the cabinets to the right of Patrick are where stuff that isn't meant for radio play is placed. Patrick and the rest of the members of 93XRocks receive demos daily and some fail to meet the quality standard for air time. To me, the reasons that stand out the most are the band not being professional and sending us their album in a CD-MAX (or some other generic) case, not having a CD cover, sending us demos that have not been mastered, etc. All of these things are both taxing on the band's chances to get air time, and, on some levels, on the band's credibility.
The shelves to his left are reserved for the CD's that have been aired. These usually get some rotation and span the year spectrum, I believe the oldest album that has been played since I have been at the station is from back in 1993. Patrick and I will usually do our search in those shelves.
The shelves to the far left in the picture are for small DAT's as you can see. Sometimes the shows will not just be saved in the station's main server with several duplicates under several serial codes for the different systems, but will also get saved on DAT and stored as a hard copy. This is usually left for much loftier shows with prime air time so as to be able to glide past any and all server problems. The system at 93X is extremely stable; to the point in fact, that most of the staff doesn't save to DAT anymore. Only some of the audiophiles there continue this practice.

Next week should have some exciting things going on as far as McNally becoming more integrated with the station and especially Loud & Local; so stay tuned!!!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Let's Get Down To Business

So, now that the floods have calmed down and the water has gone down back in my hometown. I was finally able to actually spend some time on working for Soup Bowl.

This week I had to create a spreadsheet with information about different radio stations across the country. I had one site that had links to a bunch of different radio stations and I had to go to each radio stations website and find various information like the call number, address, contact, blah blah blah. Needless to say, I did it for over three hours in a row and am no where near being done. I assume that's what I'll be finishing majority of this week.

Ryan mentioned something about writing his own rider for his contract that goes between the company, the bands, and the venues. I hope that I can help him do it since I think Distractions (my company) will be needing a better, more professional contract.

I kind of think that my internship has become more and more intertwined with my company. Distractions had our first major show the other night. We had worked out a deal with the band The Wedding and it involved this very complicated contract and some really big jerks from a major booking and management firm. I think I mentioned before, but Ryan had been helping me out with negotaitions between me and the management firm. I was really worried that the show wasn't going to go well considering the flood that was going on in Des Moines, Iowa and I knew that I needed at least 70 people in there to break even with my half of the guarantee that I paid in advance. It ended up that 68 people showed up and I was able to pay myself back but couldn't pay any of the local bands that opened for The Wedding. Long story short, I'm glad I did the show, I think it was great experience and that the connection I got with this big management firm could be really good for me.

That's all for now. Talk to you all next week!

Dallas is Back!!!

Hey Ya'll,
This week, Dallas came back on tour from NY.  They said the tour went great and that they had a great time.  When he came back, we had to unload all the stuff all the truck and sit it in the studio.  Now the studio is a MESS because all of his touring equipment is in there and it's going to be in there until September.  On Thursday, We had to reassemble all the fixtures for his keyboards so that they can fit inside a box.  It was kind of cool because I was able to get some live sound experience... building stuff from the bottom up.  I was supposed to leave early that night but I was notified that Dallas was going to be having a session later on in the evening so I decided to stick around to see what was up.  
I ended up meeting this guy named Asher Roth.  He's a white rapper but he's damn good.  He's not like a Paul Wall or "anything like that."  Some compare him to Eminem.... I like him better than Eminem though.  He's cool as hell and he's said to be the next big thing.  He's signed under Steve Rifkind.  You should check him out when you get a chance:  
Well anyway, Dallas doesn't like a lot of people in the studio when he's coming into work and it just so happened that one of the producers had about 9-10 people in one little room  when really, only three girls that were recording.   Sooooooo, the studio manager shut down the dudes whole session and him and his folks had to go.  I was like DAAAAANG!!
So anyway, he got kicked out and the night went on..... and I went home around 1am.  And that was an EARLY night!!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tied Up

Sorry guys,
I've just been so busy and tied up with things that I forgot to blog.  Well anyway.  The past week went by pretty quick.  It was a pretty slow week at the studio.  It actually kind of caught me by surprise.   Dallas went to NY for his concert and all the studio guys went with him.  I was literally the ONLY person in the studio basically running it by myself.  It was cool that they trusted me to be there and "man the fort"  (technically they didn't really have a choice..... it was kinda me or nobody lol).  It was so quiet in the studio I didn't know what to do.  Thank God there's a TV in there, otherwise, I might have fallen asleep.  Nothing special though.  It was just a VERY slow week.  Not many sessions and not many people.

Cole Hendricks - Studio Atlantis - Los Angeles - Recording Technology

Hey everyone,

Things have been going great for me out here. I have been continuing my hard work at the House of Blues working some very high profile shows and getting great experience with Live Sound and the production that goes into these events. I have been getting alot of hours and I am very happy to be working a job there. All the staff are very helpfull and kind people. It is definantly a job you need to be able to shine under pressure and always be hard at work.

My internship is still slowly going along. I feel as though I am not being able to use my skills in recording and able to be mentored to polish and build upon my skills. I have continued to give an effort to hopefully get a chance to show my skills but at the moment things have been going the same as they were from day one there.

I will finally be getting my car out here this next week. I have realized that having a car is very important to have out in LA to be able to get around and be able to have more chances at other experiences and jobs as well. Having a car will allow me to be able to get around faster and will hopefully open even more opportunities at other places as I am one who likes to stay busy.

Other then that I have been busy working almost every day and on my days off have been hanging out with people I have met while I have been out here.

Cole Hendricks
Audio Engineer

Monday, June 16, 2008

The Firm (Weeks 1 & 2)

Celebrity Sightings: Cameron Diaz, Brian Grazer, Perry Ferrell, Dave Meyers, HITS (from BET), Archbishop Don "Magic" Juan, and faux-celeb Audrina (from that horrible MTV show)

Initially I was an intern at Crash Mansion, a very cool venue in downtown Los Angeles, but switched to The Firm in Beverly Hills. After interviewing successfully in person I was accepted in late May, but my official start date was Monday, June 2nd, 2008.

At the interview, I was told that internships at The Firm were highly competitive. That we had to start from the bottom and work our way up. This has been my experience in other situations and it seemed fair and reasonable. The typical intern experience seems to be a few initial weeks of “grunt work” or “menial tasks” as they call it, and then increasingly interesting learning opportunities as the internship progresses. My roommates, Jon & Joel, have been there 2 weeks longer than I have and already moved on to covering desks for the Assistants to Managers for Snoop Dogg and Enrique Iglesias.

I’m just getting started so my blog entry this week includes a lot of manual labor but I look forward to the next few weeks when I get to cover desks and interact with the Managers. I think that it is fair to expect interns to earn that responsibility because the work Assistants do is VITAL to the success of The Firm’s clients.

I will say that I had obtained my first desk assignment in only my 2nd week! From what I hear this was unusually fast. I was going to cover the desk of an Assistant to a key Firm Films Manager for an entire afternoon. He planned to be out of the office on June 20th but had a change in his itinerary and no longer needed me to cover him. He did confirm I would get another shot when he needed to be absent and I can’t wait to do it.

Monday, June 16th will be the start of my 3rd week in The Firm's office. Below is a recap of my first two weeks. Remember, this is the time I was told would include the most remedial of tasks.

I have observed the following organizational hierarchy so far: Managers (Top), Manager's Assistants (Middle), Trainee's (Middle), Mailroom Staff (Middle) and Interns (Bottom). I place the interns at the bottom because it is a general rule of thumb in the music industry that a person is expected to pay their dues first to prove they are capable of handling such critical responsibility, and is no way a negative reflection on the position or people. Besides, I am an intern and take pride in working very hard. I give 110% for more than 12 hours a day and I know it will pay off.


Monday’s we take the bus to and from The Firm. We leave the Meadows at 7:00 AM and walk about 1.5 miles to a bus stop where we then ride about 90 minutes to Beverly Hills. From that stop we walk another mile to The Firm and generally arrive with time to spare before our 9:00AM start time.

Tuesday’s we get a ride. Miraculously, one of the other interns at The Firm, our new homeboy Ian K., happens to live in Culver City. He is kind enough to let us hitch a ride with him to and from The Firm.

Wednesday we also get a ride to the office from Ian but since he leaves the office early for class, we take the bus home.

Thursday Ian hook’s us up. Again. Very graciously I might add.

Friday’s we basically follow Monday’s routine. We “clock out” at varying times, and depending on what tasks still have to be completed, we typically get back to the Meadows between 6:30 and 8:00PM


My Typical Intern Tasks (Week 1 - 2)

Sweeps... We walk around and monitor both 5th & 6th floor "Outboxes" for outgoing mail. We do this very often (I try to do it every 30 mins) because of the varying degrees of urgency. Some outbound mail is sent via Fed-Ex, some is sent via US Postal Service, and some of them are urgent enough that we use messengers. We run Fed-Ex through a dedicated computer in the mailroom and USPS mail through its own machine. The Messenger service requires carefully entered data so they can pick it up and deliver it immediately.

Walking Runs... A Walking Run is when a Manager or Assistant calls the mailroom or stops us during a sweep to request we leave the building for various tasks. Some Assistants are so busy they literally do not leave their desk all day. So we pick up lunches, go to Starbucks, and deliver various packages to places like William Morris Agency and miscellaneous entertainment companies. It is safe to assume with the walking we do to and from the office, added to the Walking Runs, we average 3 - 7 miles per day on foot.

RIAA Certified Plaques... I have hung approximately 50 plaques and posters on the 5th floor alone. I take pride in making sure they look good and the intern team has spent entire days making sure they are properly hung from the walls. I've never seen this many plaques for one person before. Though other Managers have them too, 90% of the multi-platinum plaques have Jeff Kwatinetz’s name on them. This man has sold 10’s of millions of albums for The Firm’s clients. Maybe even 100’s of millions. I kid you not. Very cool...

I also...

Refill refrigerators with bottled water (I generally carry two 24 packs of water to each of the 2 kitchens. I check on them 3 times a day to make sure they stay stocked)
Take Stationary to Managers and Assistants (Letterheads, CD/DVD Labels, etc.)
Moved a 7 foot tall clock for Snoop Dogg's assistant, using the freight elevator
Take document boxes from office to office when they need to be moved
Maintain food supplies and clean the 2 kitchens about once an hour.
Sort through files and determine what needs to be trashed or saved
Make copies (fix paper jams, refill paper trays, deliver copies, etc.)
Refill the water cooler (1 big plastic jug per kitchen per day)
Distribute Messenger deliveries to Managers & Assistants
Answer phones at the Reception Desk and in the Mailroom
Clean Cabinets out to make room for new occupants
Take Moving Dolly’s to Managers and Assistants
Accept Grocery deliveries and stow the food
Pickup used dishes around the office
Take Fed Ex boxes to assistants
Load and empty the dishwasher
Take deliveries to mailroom
Wash dishes by hand
Deliver mail
Make Coffee

I tore down an extra computer set up at an Assistant's Desk and set it up in a Manager’s office when their primary computer went down.

I sorted through hundreds of Variety and Hollywood Reporter Magazines to determine what was trash and what was relevant to current clients

I moved a 10 ft x 5 ft white board for the new tenants (Jason L. and I had to carry it downstairs from the lobby to Parking Level 1 first so we could gain access to the main stairwell. Because it was too big to fit in the freight elevator, we had to take it up five stories of narrow stairs)

Summer Going Fast

My past few weeks at The Firm have been great, but just for the readers sake, I will only talk about my last week or so.

My last week started out good, I was able to cover a desk for one of a managers assistants. For a few hours on Monday, and then for almost the entire day on Tuesday. Being able to cover a desk for an assistant has got to be one of the more rewarding experiences at The Firm. It gives you the chance to be up close with what managers are doing, giving the opportunity to learn the business from experience. While I was covering the desk, on Tuesday, Cameron Diaz came in the office. I thought it was a trip just seeing her in person, she even said hi.

The week was also filled with many runs. I was able to get quite a bit of exercise, especially during the latter part of the week. There was a point in which I was going on multiple runs on one single trip (I was running out for a couple of different things at once), which definitely kept me on my toes.

I closed out the week on Saturday by attending the Playboy Jazz Festival (thanks to free tickets from Traci) with Traci and McNally alum Tim Bjorkman. Most of the music was great, especially towards the end. Bill Cosby was the host, which was a great surprise. I just wish it had been cooler outside, then he would've been able to wear one of his Cosby sweaters. It was hot during the beginning of the festival, around 2:30, but around 7 or 7:30 it started to cool down quite a bit.

Today, I was able to cover the same desk I covered last week twice for the entire day. While I was doing that, I was also able to help Snoop Dogg's tour manager secure vans at each venue on Snoop's upcoming tour with 311. Something that I definitely had fun doing. I was able to talk to a lot of different promoters across the country, something that not everyone is able to do. I certainly hope that I'll be able to do similar tasks throughout the summer.

So far this summer has gone by very fast, I can only hope it slows down a little bit to catch up with it. Last week was another good learning experience, and I hope this week goes just as well.

P.S. Apparently Snoop thinks I sound like Barry White.

Evan gundlach- universal distribution- minneapolis, minnesota

Greetings again! This week at universal was definitely the best one so far. Little Wayne’s new CD Tha carter 3 dropped on Tuesday and that was my fist day. The first thing I heard when I walked in was “I can’t believe he might beat Kanye” so I knew everyone was going to be pretty excited. Its turns out that the numbers that they thought he was going to have were much lower so everyone was happy the record was doing well. I worked mostly on the album tracking data base in excel for most the day but I helped out on some other office things people didn’t have time for since it was such a big day. On Wednesday I was invited to a private performance by a solo acoustic artist that is signed to universal but I was unable to attend because the yellow jackets were having a clinic at McNally. Since I missed that I was going to go to his performance later that night at the varsity theater but I ended up having other things going on. On Thursday everyone had calmed down a little bit but they were still talking about the new releases. I learned about how they project record sales a lot better and then showed me some more in-depth things about the album tracking and I saw how the work I was doing was helping them with the new little Wayne album. Finally on Friday they didn’t have a music meeting but they had a corporate conference call and everyone got olive garden. Instead of listening in on the call I deiced to help let people in as they came and work on a really cool project. My project for Friday had to do with best buy and the new little Wayne album. I went through a sales sheet for all the best buys in the nation (which was about 950) and checked how many copies of the CD's they still had on stock. This helps them a bunch since they distribute the CD and need to know how well they are doing it. All and all it was a really fun week and as I said before I'm excited for next week. Ill check in next week,

-Evan Gundlach

Fishies Like Record Stores

This week has been crazy for me. First off, an explanation as to why my post is late:

My hometown of Des Moines, Iowa got hit hardcore by floods. I took a last minute trip home in order to help out. My dad's house had about 4 feet of water in the basement along with other friends houses. What was worse was the old record shop that I used to work at called ZZZs Records. There were 7 feet of water in the basement where we kept a lot of vinyl and that's before the water even crested. I had to help my boss move all the vinyl and CDs from the first floor up to the attic and then help salvage what we could from the basement. In the process, I saved about 4 big fish and released them back into the river. After helping out the record store as much as I could I made sandbags for over 23 hours and helped the community. Amidst all of this, I had no time to write a blog about the internship and I apologize but at the time it was not the first thing in my mind.

But.... when I was at internship this week, I helped book some more show for Now Now Every Children. Their tour is coming up in July so it's becoming crunch time to get all the dates booked. I have decided that North Dakota and South Dakota have zero venues in them and that has made it extremely hard to book there. I am almost getting so desperate to book these shows that I would put them at a house show or something.

On top of the booking I have been helping add some local bands on each show like I have been in the past. 

This week I will be missing my internship on Tuesday because I will still be in Iowa at the time but I assume that on Wednesday I will just be booking some more. 


Nick Garrison - A.E.M.G. - L.A.....AEIOU

I just thought I would throw a few more letters in the title.

One thing that I have been enjoying about my internship is how they really reach out and want to make sure we are learning and getting everything we can from our time here. I was even given a great opportunity to help in picking out music for one of their clients. Someone had requested a certain type of music and I was given a cue library to go through and choose music from. When I had picked out a few choices, I sat down with the music supervisor and we went through my choices. One of them was chosen and sent out with a few he had chosen for the client. It is now up to the client to decide if that is what they are looking for for their commercial.

As for non-worked related, I went with Joel Cooper, his brother, and his brother's girlfriend to Santa Monica. We walked along the beach and explored the Santa Monica pier. It was great to finally see the ocean. And you know what, that Pacific Ocean looks pretty big. I bet it even stretches all the way to Asia.

Take care,
Nick Garrison

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Unai Bolivar - 93X Rocks! - Production - St. Paul

Hello everyone,

I have been very busy with my internship at 93XRocks! A local radio station in Minneapolis. Every Thursday I make the journey to the radio station thinking about the task ahead, and as always the job is both filled with interesting tasks, questions and insight!
I'll point out some of the things we have been doing. Right now my routine consists of arriving on scene at 1:00pm to see Patrick do his on air spot. This display of 'mind over microphone' showed me that no mistakes are aloud when on air. Keeping your eye on the ball is crucial to running fast, flowing, quality show. After Patrick is done with his spot. We usually move on to recording a couple of commercials. Usually commercials get divided into two categories: the ones that air, and the ones that get streamed on the internet. Patrick recorded a commercial for 'Jobdig' and edited it using Audicy, a piece of hardware akin to the shuffle feature in Protools. He used this opportunity to show me how to operate Audicy and then had me edit the second commercial we recorded. he also showed me the other systems they use such as Encodad [Digital Audio Delivery], and Dalet.

After the commercials we usually take most of our time and devote it to producing and recording "loud & Local". Sponsored by McNally Smith College of Music, this spot features the best in the local Minnesotan scene. We make our best efforts to always keep the show fresh and fun for the listeners! The show usually takes about an hour to produce, wherein we choose the music for all the different categories, we jot them down on a piece of paper which Patrick uses as cues for the show; we look around for the music in Studio B which harbors all the music and which we also use to record the show. Then the actual recording and editing of the show takes approximately 40 minutes. Eventually I'll be taking on the whole recording process, and throw in the cues, and run the music, etc; all Patrick will have to do is speak into the microphone, but for this, baby steps are needed.

the most beneficial part of my internship at 93XRocks! aside from the fast learning curve and constant influx of ideas and strategies shown to me by the station's DJ's has been meeting the rest of the wonderful staff. Everyone working there bears a critical part of the entire process. It is amazing to see how smooth team work and clean communication can benefit a larger entity.

Don't forget to tune into 93XRocks! on Sunday nights for our spot, Loud & local!

Unai J Bolivar Uriarte

Traci @ Key Club, LA-- Music Business: Short and sweet

Hey all,

So this week's blog is gonna be short and to the point as I have the head into work soon.  I can maybe drop an extra early next week for photos and what-not.  

Last week I got really busy with Key Club in helping to go through and rate the demos that come in for consideration.  I also did some research for support groups for a few of the shows we have coming up.  I really can't go into detail here, sorry.  It was a different experience, to say the least.  I really enjoyed it... and hey, I got to keep the t-shirts.  Late in the week my mom and her friend road-tripped to bring out my car and visit for the weekend.  We found out Toi is GREAT thai food (on Sunset), and it is easy to waste an entire day at the beach when its sunny.  

This week at the internship was pretty much business as usual: couple jumbotrons, marketing meeting, and PR.  As the time for businesses to think about holiday parties draws near though, its about the time that we send out a little gift box with information about whom to contact, and why they should use our club.  So I got to pack those up, which actually wasn't bad.  I kinda like wrapping presents.  

On Friday, one of my mentors that used to work for the Playboy Corporate offices, generously gave me her tickets for the Playboy Jazz Festival on Saturday which included 4 great seats, 2 VIP passes into the press room, and a parking pass.  John, Tim (Bjorkman), and I went (as well as Tim's colleague, Justin) and had a great time.  It was a very memorable day.  Thanks go out to Kerry for giving us her tickets.  

That's all I can give you for now, the sold out Fratellis show, Key Club box office demands me.  Don't stress out too much waiting for me to fill you in.  

Peace :)

Blogs, blogs and more blogs

Back once again,
This week at Soup Bowl, really wasn't all that exciting; just the usual stuff.
This week I had to look for venues in Minnesota, in smaller towns that not a lot of bands play in. Such towns as Red Wing, Rochester, Mankato, and other towns such as that. It wasn't too bad, but it got quite frustrating after while since in some of the towns I had to find venues I couldn't. It just seemed like nobody played in those towns now. That's what I mainly did on Tuesday, though while I was trying to send the links to Ryan I forgot to save the document so I lost all of the venues that I had found and their contacts. It was a sad day, but Ryan found them so it was alright in the end.

The next day was filled with sending out blog emails once again, that job isn't too bad. I'm still sending blog emails out for The Z-MO Trio and Dingus. I heard from Ryan that The Z-MO Trio got mentioned at 'What to Wear During An Orange Alert' blog so that was cool that my hard work is pulling off and they are getting some play.That was really all I did that day, the blogs take up some time since I have to find the emails, but it's okay it keeps me busy and I don't mind that.

I have a feeling this week I'm going to be doing some more blog emails, but who knows if that feeling is right or not. I hope we get to do some more flyer's sometime soon, it was a fun time writing on them. I'll probably look for more venues or look for local support for a show that is coming up. Who knows though, I'll find out when I get to my internship on Tuesday. Till next Sunday, have fun everybody.


Joe Weum - DMI - Pasadena CA

Greetings from California. After a month at my internship I believe it is going very well. We are a relatively new company which makes everyday very interesting. A lot of work is being done to put our stamp on the in-store music world so everybody is helping everybody to reach our common goal. It is really giving me a good teaching in all aspects of a digital music company and just as important, a young company. Because we are a digital company, updating technology is a very important part of the business. So my days involve trying to balance updating databases for the future while still working on the present issues of customer service and player repairs....not to mention an odd job here and there which are always interesting. Time has been going by very quickly with work and exploring the area. I luckily have friends from MN down here that live on the beach cities of Venice, Manhattan Beach and Long Beach which makes the weekends fun and sun-burn filled. Take care and a shout out to all McNally friends and teachers up there.


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Maurice Champion - Urban Network (Los Angels) - Music Business - Give Me 10mins

I have to apologize, but when you're having family issues going on at home the last thing on your mind is a blog. Not desrespect is intended to anyone but when you're across many rivers and states and your family needs you to be there its SICKEN. No matter the amount of sucess nothing compares to your family. The reason I'm writing this blog is because of my family. Pursuing a career that I loved doing that would generate great revenue is what led me to McNally Smith which later led me to LA (you get my drift). Give me 10mins!!!

Last week I attended a Def Jam/Skating Party with performance by sixteen (16) year old R&B artist Karina Pasian. Being at the skating rink allowed me to make a right on memory lane and take that all the way up to those salad days. I was so moved leaving the skating rink after seeing so much youth, it restored and polish those adolence feelings. It just felt good being in that environment. Everything is going just fine at the Urban Network, I can not complain. I was just announced team leader for a upcoming project so that's very cool and rewarding. The ball is finally moving and all I have to do is keep it moving!


At the end of the day never lose focus on your mission even if its to take care of your family. Make sure you do everything to the fullest and enjoy the simply things in life.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A Day At Alan Ett


Since starting with Alan Ett, there has not been a day where I don't learn something new.

For example, today I sat in with one of their sound editors as he worked on a segment for Disney and then a television show for the History Channel. The people their really know what they are doing. It is impressive to see how fast they work. One of the things I noticed was "quick keys". Using mostly keystrokes and less mouse really speeds up what they are doing.

Yesterday I had a great opportunity. I was allowed to pick out music for a commercial that will be airing in Canada. I was told what they company was looking for and given a library to check out. After I had several cues picked out, I met with the music supervisor and we went through my list. He showed me some he picked out and there was one we both picked and really agreed upon. So that one and some other cues were sent to the company in Canada. I'm not sure which one the company will go with, but it was great to be involved in that way.

Until next time,

P.S. That picture is Joel and I at the Bob Dylan exhibit from the other weekend.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Working on a song at esession

Its been a great experience working with brad and his team as a music programmer at main task is to finsh two songs which promote brand almost done with one of them. i work along with another guitarist by name peter black.who comes up with riffs coz the songs i do has to be close to hannah montana(which are totally riff based)
.i should be done with the song pretty soon and am hoping brad like's it... Brad called me the other day and said if i would be interested to work on a song for a band called groovy girls.. so am kind of excited about it aswell...its been a good learning curve for me in listening to diffrent artists and musicians which i have never been introduced to before...
Vasanth David

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Land of the Cold Air- Universal Internship

Well I didn’t travel too far but I've been having a lot of fun interning at universal in Minnesota. I had my first full week and I'm already really comfortable with everyone there. I’ve been working with the analysis team charting record sales. I’ve been helping build a data base that allows people to forecast upcoming record sales. It’s really cool that I get to actually contribute and I’m not just running errands.

I work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday I did a lot of work in excel working on spread sheets putting in data about record sales. Fridays are the best days. Friday is the weekly record meeting where everyone in the office gets food and has a meeting to talk about upcoming artists. We got chipotle and watched the new weezer video so there were definitely no complaints.

After the meeting I got to help design a flyer for a N.E.R.D signing at a local shop. We made 500 copies printed them and cut them up. They said they are going to be having me do a lot of little project like that and try to keep it really interesting. They are going a great job so far and I’m pretty excited to see what I get to do on Tuesday. Until next week have a good one and ill be sure to keep updating. Talk to you soon.

-Evan Gundlach

'Bring me all the finest meats and cheeses in the land'

Christina here,

This week has been exciting in the world of Soup Bowl Records. Though I was stuck with the wonderful job of looking up existing businesses to see if the address we had was the right one. That job took a while, only because I about 4 excel documents to go through. I'm not complaining it did take up most of my time that day. I also got to send out tons of blog emails like I did last week. It was the same message, and to the same people but just different days.

I have to send out blog emails for Dingus( and The Z-MO Trio( a three piece band created by our own students. The emails usually just tell about their upcoming tour dates and where they are playing at. It also tells the reader about their new singles and how they can check them out.

I don't mind really sending out the emails or looking up addresses, it keeps me busy and I'm just experiencing the other side of a record label instead of booking shows, routing tours, or making posters(which I would love to do once again and probably will sometime soon). Ryan is just showing Langen(roommate and fellow intern) the whole record label life. It's great, I love it and who knows what I'll be doing next week.

I could be sending out more emails or making labels or maybe I'll get to look up more addresses to make sure they are still in business. I will only figure out that answer to that question when I head in to the week. Till next week you'll have to be on your toes to find out what I did during this upcoming week.


Contracts Create Headaches


Langen reporting from Soup Bowl records. This week has been crazy for me. 

I'm still working on booking some dates for the bands Dingus, Now Now Every Children and A Night In The Box. Also I have been working on finding some local bands to play various shows that the label is putting on. I have filled up a few dates with locals but there are always more that need to be done.

Ryan, my boss has been teaching Christina (my roommate and fellow intern) and I how to register a company with the state because she and I run our own company called Distractions ( We hope to have it all done by next week.

Ryan has also been helping a lot with an outside project. Distractions recently got an offer to book the band The Wedding on a pre existing show. Personally, I love The Wedding so I didn't want to pass this up. It's also through a huge management firm called APA. At first I didn't think it would be that complicated but then we got deep in contracts and guarantees and demands from the band. Ryan has been helping me negotiate the contract and what not and I'm pretty sure the show is going to happen which is exciting!

This week will probably be full of booking and looking for locals again. Hopefully I will get some more shows booked and almost all of them full. I have decided that California is the hardest place to book right now. 

That's it from me this week.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Recording Academy (GRAMMY) Atlanta Chapter: Producers and Engineers Wing

Ok, A couple of weeks ago, Kim Smith (one of my bosses) asked me if I'd like to attend a Grammy meeting that was being held by the National Academy of Recording Arts & Sciences.  Of course I said yeah, so I've been waiting to go to this event for the last 2 weeks...............
Soooooooooo, today I did not go into the studio because I was attending this event.  It was only from 7pm to 10pm which was good because it was a pretty brief event.  Six o clock came around and I was heading out the door until my mom stopped me and told me that I should dress up.  DRESS UP?  I looked at her like she was crazy.  I told her that these were producers and engineers..... not doctors and lawyers.  She doesn't understand that these folks wear Budweiser shirts EV-ER-Y-DAY!!!
I drove there, fending off Atlanta traffic, and pulled in at 6:30; which allowed me to have an option of where I'd like to park.  I went in and sat in the lobby until seven o clock.  At seven, I went to the front door, they checked my name off ( as if I were VIP) and I walked right in.  I went straight for the food and "beverages".  After stuffing myself silly with quesadillas and coke, enough people had come in for me to do a little networking.  While making my rounds, I continued to see this woman who looked so familiar to me, however, I just could not put my finger on where I might have known her from.  But nonetheless, I met so many people it was ridiculous.  So many people invited me out to come check out there studios and/or to collaborate on some projects.  And these are guys with huge studios that anybody's whose anybody records at.  I was so overjoyed by the end of the night that I........ I don't even know!!!!   So, anyway, I was leaving out the door, I saw that lady again that looked SOO familiar to me.  It had been bothering me all night so I went up to her and told her that she looked so familiar.  She told me that I also looked VERY familiar.  To make a long story short.  She is the freaking PRESIDENT of The National Recording Academy: Atlanta Chapter and I knew her because her daughter and my little sister go to the same acting school.  This was just unbelievable.  We chit chatted for about fifteen minutes and she gave me her card and made me promise that I'd send her my information (since I didn't have any business cards----- I'm going to get some TOMORROW), and also made me promise that my mom would bring my sister over her house to hang out with her daughter.  
It just feels like I'm walking on the exact path that has been paved out for me.  It's just crazy to me because everybody says that things never happen that easily.  So when it does just fall into place like that, you begin to second guess yourself because you are like no, no, no, wait a minute.  This can not be right!  But what if it is???!!!??!!    

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Cole Hendricks - Studio Atlantis (Los Angeles) - Audio Engineering

Hey everyone,

Alot has been going on for me since my last post. I will first start off by saying I love Los Angeles. I recently got a job at the House of Blues on Sunset. I am on the production staff where I do multiple things. I work with the audio crew and help set up and load in the equipment for the stage. All the employees at the house of blues are very nice and hard working people. I feel that the opportunity I have been given will help take me to the next plateau in my experience in this industry.

I am also still interning at Studio Atlantis where things are going according to schedule. Working in a commercial studio like Atlantis really tests a persons patience. The process of moving up the ladder in a commercial recording studio can be very slow and aggonizing at times. I feel I have the skills that are required but getting the chance to prove those skills can take time. I am doing my daily routine there and working hard on making a great impression so that when the time comes I can prove my asset to them.

I have met alot of cool people so far since I have been out in Los Angeles. I am trying to get out and experience as much of the city that I can while I am out here while also working hard to make a name for myself in this industry.

Cole Hendricks
Audio Engineer

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Hi everyone!!!!! I guess its about time i did one of these, well where to begin???? First thing is first, i have to apologize for being really slow about bogging and getting it started but i have finally done it. To tell the truth i had totally forgotten about it and other things got into the way, but now i have made it my priority and your going to be hearing allot of wild and crazy stories about my adventures.

Before i go on i would like to take this moment and introduce myself to those who may not know me. I'm Munyaradzi Tirivepi but imp well known as Munya, I’m from Zimbabwe and for those who don't know where that is, GOOGLE it. My current major is Vocal Performance and the reason why imp doing this internship is to gain some more knowledge of the music business world that i once had done some years ago in the urban world. I'm the first International Student form McNally Smith doing an internship which imp proud of and hope that other international students can one day take this opportunity i have. I'm currently interning at THE URBAN NETWORK MAGAZINE that deals allot with media, music, entertainment and marketing industries. I hope that’s allot said.

Well enough said back to the real deal, so far the summer has been great and the internship even better, but things did start of rough for i only got into LA the day before i started in which i was really upset because i was meant to come on the Friday before the weekend but i had a little flight issues, but what matters was i made it. I couldn't believe that i was in LA until i step outside LAX and all i could say was WOW. My first day was great for i spent most of the day adventuring the city of LA and seeing the glamorous places i thought i would never see and just saying the word WOW. It was great to be here.

My first day at THE URBAN NETWORK was really orientated based for i only got introduced to the company by Warren Griffin and an alumni of McNally Smith College Of Music and who now currently works there and met the important people who work for the company. I finally got the opportunity to meet the CEO and founder of the Urban Network and great man to the company Mr. Miller London. It was such an Honor to meet him but we didn't get to talk as much but a little welcome conversation in hand was enough.

That week we got down to business and worked allot on media relations (social net working) such as IMEEM, MY SPACE, BE-BO e.g. just getting to know how some of this stuff is done. We also had to allot of desk work and updating on radio contacts in which me and mo (another intern from McNally) got really confused in doing but eventually we were able to work it out. For the most part the first week went pretty smoothly.

My second week started off easy and we basically carried on doing our media relations updates and improving on that, and towards the end of the week, 2 new interns form MI school joined us. So Warren split us four into 2 teams a BRANDING TEAM an MARKETING TEAM and each team had its own responsibilities for the next couple of weeks until we change. For example the Branding team in which mo and i are charge of making sure we brand the companies name and what it stands for and getting people to join our social net works., the Marketing team is all about getting the companies name heard and promoting and networking with others. These are 2 very important teams and have allot to offer for the company.

So far so good and everything keeps getting better the weekends have been great to our adventurous night out at Crash Mansion in which Larry took us to have fun, thanks Larry for that one. Oh and not to forget to mention that my boy DANAMI (MO) who terrifically performed yesterday and rock the house down. BIG UP to my boy you did GREAT. I was also able to meet up with an old junior school friend from the 5th grade, Marika May who i got to meet after 9 years of not seeing each other since i left Japan, was a great seeing her and catching up and having a good night out at Santa Monica Beach.

Well there it is focus the brake down of the last 2 weeks and allot that i know that’s going to happen this summer. So 3rd week here we go.

Traci @ Key Club, LA-- Music Business: Oh 13....

The wonderful and yet terrible thing about blogs is EVERYone has access... that is all I will say on that topic, but it was something I needed to say.  Think on that.

And now for the real deal:

So, this past week at Key Club was a crazy, but fun one.  Aside from my usual work with press clippings and the Jumbotron, we had a Bar Mitzvah to plan!  It was a whirlwind of frenzied excitement as we set up the most extravagant event I have ever seen.  Aside from the 12 performance acts that were hired to entertain in 15-30 minute sets, there were a variety of activities for the kids to engage in from an Etch-a-Sketch artist, to a table where girls could get fake eyelashes and "bling" their phones, to casino tables with Roulette and Craps, to a stilt walker, living statues, a mime, aerialists, dipping dots, models to greet and interview guests on the red carpet before they entered donning their "VIP backstage passes," 3 Lakers girls, and that is not to mention the personalized jewelry and other goodies passed out inside, most of which lit up in an array of blinking, multicolored lights.  And that is just the beginning.  One of the many highlights was a magician that made Rami, the birthday boy, appear from a cloud of smoke to the delight of his friends.  It was a night I'm sure he will not soon forget, I know I won't and the party wasn't even for me!  There was definitely a lot of hard work that went into the planning and execution of that night.  Happy Birthday, Rami!

I also worked the Box Office a couple nights, which is much more complicated than one might think, but I think I almost have it down enough that I could muddle through a slower night.  Sunday, The Cool Kids played with close to sold out numbers already at the beginning of the night, so there was a lot of chaos, but overall I think the night went smoothly.  Since a lot of the tickets were will-call, I was quickly assigned the job of selling the soda tickets to under-agers in the line that for most of the evening stretched from the entrance up around the corner of the street with one of the security personnel close behind.  It was slightly stressful at times but a little exciting seeing that big of a response to a show that I was behind the scenes a little on (or maybe it was just one of my nerdy moments).

Thursday (I know, I am bouncing around), I had a break between internship and box office, so the lovely Charley Brooks (who is quickly becoming one of my favorite people in the world), took me sight-seeing again for a little bit.  This time we went down Sunset a ways to get to two of three rock & roll art galleries owned by Sam (whose last name I have forgotten as of this post and will update later along with the names of the galleries), as well as the Rock Walk in front of the Guitar Center on the next block.  The galleries were amazing!  The first was all artwork used in posters and album covers of legendary rockers, as well as paintings and prints inspired by the same.  The second gallery we went to was mostly photography, from concert shots to candid photos of the greats.  When we went to the Rock Walk, we had fun comparing our hands to those we admire (mine are a perfect match with Steven Tyler!!! I also got a close match on Eric Clapton and nowhere near close to Debbie Herring ... her hands are so small there are almost child-like).  And of course, Charley pointed out some of the hip restaurants for me to try to check out, I already can't wait to hit up Toi ("Rock & Roll Thai") and Cheebo. And then, in true Charley style, stopped at Cafe Med (yummy, yummy Italian... and I don't just mean the food ;) ) for a late lunch and some "chill-ax" time.  

Man... last week was busy... getting tired of typing... and you are probably tired of reading.  So now, just the highlights:

Friday: Bar Mitzvah (above) and then... SEX IN THE CITY!!!!  SO good!  (It was really hard to get tickets though, we had to wait until the 12:50 am showing... which is probably why it grossed over $55 million dollars just in the U.S. making it number one at the box office this weekend... yeah, I read the paper)

Saturday: Bob Dylan exhibit at Skirball Museum!  Very cool.  Memorabilia + interactive music stations where you can sing, edit, remix, or play to the tunes= fun.  Joel and Nick have already posted details on this.

Sunday: Cool Kids... already told you that.  But afterward I did meet a guy from a label and we have started communication.  I am hesitant to share more for fear of Jinxing myself. 

And then Monday started a new week that you will have to wait to hear about later! HA!  

... and.... I'm out.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Do you need a bowl for that soup?

Christina here,
First blog on here, so I'll just give you all a little insight into my internship and all the stuff that I do. Well I'm a 3rd semester student at McNally Smith, I came here in the fall of 2007 from the good old state of Iowa. I'm currently interning at Soup Bowl Records, the independent record label that is own and run by McNally students.

I do a ton of things at my internship. Just last week I had to send out blog emails to a huge list of blogs so they could know about the tours that the artists are going on. I had to look for locals to play on the shows that are already confirmed. It's a bit time consuming but it's still fun.

I've had to make posters, well I had to write on them which was a bit of fun. I really loved doing that maybe just because I didn't have to stare at a computer screen for hours on end; who knows. I've had to put labels on envelopes and look up the address of promoters in towns the tours are hitting. I've also had to email venues about shows for upcoming months.

All in all so far I've enjoyed everything I have done. My boss is amazing, he is just a nice guy, so much fun to work with. I know that many more exciting things are in store for me and I can't wait to find out what they are. I'll end the blog for now and catch back up with you all later.

Fill up my Soup Bowl

My internship at Soup Bowl records has been the greatest thing for me to date. I have made so many contacts at venues across the country and have gotten huge lists of media contacts and random other things that might be needed to book a tour.

Last week I spent some time routing a tour that goes from Minnesota out to Portland, down to LA, and then back to Minnesota for the band Dingus ( I assume I will start booking the tour this week or next week. 

I also spent some time filling out posters with dates and venues and other information about Dingus' shows in various states to send out to record shops and other places in order to promote. 

On top of all this, there are various shows that I have been trying to find some local support for across the country. It has introduced me to a bunch of new bands and has gotten me a lot of contacts for any shows that I put on in the future. 

For some reason I really enjoy making the posters and what not. Maybe it's just because it's so much easier than trying to book shows. Booking is a lot of fun it's just so frustrating it's pretty much a waiting game because you send all these e-mails out and then just wait to hear back from a venue about the show you want. 

I think this week will be full of booking and promoting but it sounds good to me!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Maurice Champion - Urban Network (Los Angeles) - Music Business - 1ST PERFORMANCE IN LA AND MORE...

After being in LA for three (3) weeks, I've seen and done more things than people who've been here for months. By no means I am trying to downplay anyone by my last sentence, I'm just making a point that "I'm Blessed". Last Sunday (5/25/08) I did my first show in LA at the Desert Rose in North Hollywood and it was amazing. For one it was amazing because it was my first show in LA and I did my thang as the performer. Second, it was amazing because the audience responded to my performance with homage. My homie Flawless gave me a chance by suggesting I take his place on the bill (performance). To show appreciation to Flaw and the people at the venue for giving me the opportunity I made sure that I rocked the show. After my performance I was embraced by tons of handshakes and expressions of "Great Job" which inspired me to continue to make great music.

Last week the Nappy Roots (do your research on them) came through the office to play their new music from their up and coming album. I was kicking it with them and doing my networking thing. It's crazy because you forget the people you see on TV are actually real people. The next day I went to Can Am Studio's with Flaw. Brief history, Can Am Studio's was formerly the legendary Death Row Studio. Currently, it's the home of Dr. Dre and his staff producers and recording artists. While there I was introduced to Focus, one of Dr. Dre staff producers, and others. It was an erie feeling being there because 2Pac recorded in the same place that I just chilled in. It was a great experience being there.


Manifest GREATNESS and GREATNESS will happen.

Til next time. Realize and Take It There

~ Champion, Maurice

Being Lost, Royalties, and Bob Dylan

To start things off, I feel like I have been driving around lost since I reached L.A. I have learned that driving to work and back I am completely comfortable, it's when I venture out to different places where most of my gas is used in trying to find a place that was closer than I thought. I should stop getting bad directions.
It seems I am finally settling into my apartment and new surroundings. My internet has been down for over week now and it is great to finally have it back.
Work at Alan Ett is still great. Lately I have been working on their Opus 1 library. They just signed 2 publishing deals and part of my job is to go through their catalog and make sure things are good to be registered with ASCAP and BMI. Most of my work has been with licensing and registering music, which has taught me lots about that process.
Also, they have introduced me to computer programs that I am becoming familiar with, such as Music Maestro. This program is very common with companies that deal with cue sheets.
The weeks are really busy with work, but I have been learning something everyday about how things run. But with the weeks being busy, it allows me to see things on weekends. Yesterday I went to a Bob Dylan exhibit with a few of the other interns. I can't even begin to say how incredible that was. We were able to see old guitars and harmonicas of his, handwritten lyrics, letters from him and Joan Baez, and we even played drums on some of his songs. The whole exhibit was something I'm glad we were able to see.
That's all for now. Take care.

-Nick Garrison