Monday, June 2, 2008

Fill up my Soup Bowl

My internship at Soup Bowl records has been the greatest thing for me to date. I have made so many contacts at venues across the country and have gotten huge lists of media contacts and random other things that might be needed to book a tour.

Last week I spent some time routing a tour that goes from Minnesota out to Portland, down to LA, and then back to Minnesota for the band Dingus ( I assume I will start booking the tour this week or next week. 

I also spent some time filling out posters with dates and venues and other information about Dingus' shows in various states to send out to record shops and other places in order to promote. 

On top of all this, there are various shows that I have been trying to find some local support for across the country. It has introduced me to a bunch of new bands and has gotten me a lot of contacts for any shows that I put on in the future. 

For some reason I really enjoy making the posters and what not. Maybe it's just because it's so much easier than trying to book shows. Booking is a lot of fun it's just so frustrating it's pretty much a waiting game because you send all these e-mails out and then just wait to hear back from a venue about the show you want. 

I think this week will be full of booking and promoting but it sounds good to me!

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