Sunday, June 15, 2008

Blogs, blogs and more blogs

Back once again,
This week at Soup Bowl, really wasn't all that exciting; just the usual stuff.
This week I had to look for venues in Minnesota, in smaller towns that not a lot of bands play in. Such towns as Red Wing, Rochester, Mankato, and other towns such as that. It wasn't too bad, but it got quite frustrating after while since in some of the towns I had to find venues I couldn't. It just seemed like nobody played in those towns now. That's what I mainly did on Tuesday, though while I was trying to send the links to Ryan I forgot to save the document so I lost all of the venues that I had found and their contacts. It was a sad day, but Ryan found them so it was alright in the end.

The next day was filled with sending out blog emails once again, that job isn't too bad. I'm still sending blog emails out for The Z-MO Trio and Dingus. I heard from Ryan that The Z-MO Trio got mentioned at 'What to Wear During An Orange Alert' blog so that was cool that my hard work is pulling off and they are getting some play.That was really all I did that day, the blogs take up some time since I have to find the emails, but it's okay it keeps me busy and I don't mind that.

I have a feeling this week I'm going to be doing some more blog emails, but who knows if that feeling is right or not. I hope we get to do some more flyer's sometime soon, it was a fun time writing on them. I'll probably look for more venues or look for local support for a show that is coming up. Who knows though, I'll find out when I get to my internship on Tuesday. Till next Sunday, have fun everybody.


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