Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cole Hendricks - Studio Atlantis - Los Angeles - Recording Technology

Hey everyone,

Things have been going great for me out here. I have been continuing my hard work at the House of Blues working some very high profile shows and getting great experience with Live Sound and the production that goes into these events. I have been getting alot of hours and I am very happy to be working a job there. All the staff are very helpfull and kind people. It is definantly a job you need to be able to shine under pressure and always be hard at work.

My internship is still slowly going along. I feel as though I am not being able to use my skills in recording and able to be mentored to polish and build upon my skills. I have continued to give an effort to hopefully get a chance to show my skills but at the moment things have been going the same as they were from day one there.

I will finally be getting my car out here this next week. I have realized that having a car is very important to have out in LA to be able to get around and be able to have more chances at other experiences and jobs as well. Having a car will allow me to be able to get around faster and will hopefully open even more opportunities at other places as I am one who likes to stay busy.

Other then that I have been busy working almost every day and on my days off have been hanging out with people I have met while I have been out here.

Cole Hendricks
Audio Engineer

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