Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Maurice Champion - Urban Network (Los Angels) - Music Business - Give Me 10mins

I have to apologize, but when you're having family issues going on at home the last thing on your mind is a blog. Not desrespect is intended to anyone but when you're across many rivers and states and your family needs you to be there its SICKEN. No matter the amount of sucess nothing compares to your family. The reason I'm writing this blog is because of my family. Pursuing a career that I loved doing that would generate great revenue is what led me to McNally Smith which later led me to LA (you get my drift). Give me 10mins!!!

Last week I attended a Def Jam/Skating Party with performance by sixteen (16) year old R&B artist Karina Pasian. Being at the skating rink allowed me to make a right on memory lane and take that all the way up to those salad days. I was so moved leaving the skating rink after seeing so much youth, it restored and polish those adolence feelings. It just felt good being in that environment. Everything is going just fine at the Urban Network, I can not complain. I was just announced team leader for a upcoming project so that's very cool and rewarding. The ball is finally moving and all I have to do is keep it moving!


At the end of the day never lose focus on your mission even if its to take care of your family. Make sure you do everything to the fullest and enjoy the simply things in life.

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