Sunday, June 8, 2008

Land of the Cold Air- Universal Internship

Well I didn’t travel too far but I've been having a lot of fun interning at universal in Minnesota. I had my first full week and I'm already really comfortable with everyone there. I’ve been working with the analysis team charting record sales. I’ve been helping build a data base that allows people to forecast upcoming record sales. It’s really cool that I get to actually contribute and I’m not just running errands.

I work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. On Tuesday and Thursday I did a lot of work in excel working on spread sheets putting in data about record sales. Fridays are the best days. Friday is the weekly record meeting where everyone in the office gets food and has a meeting to talk about upcoming artists. We got chipotle and watched the new weezer video so there were definitely no complaints.

After the meeting I got to help design a flyer for a N.E.R.D signing at a local shop. We made 500 copies printed them and cut them up. They said they are going to be having me do a lot of little project like that and try to keep it really interesting. They are going a great job so far and I’m pretty excited to see what I get to do on Tuesday. Until next week have a good one and ill be sure to keep updating. Talk to you soon.

-Evan Gundlach

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