Sunday, June 29, 2008

Gray Matters

Well this in Soup Bowl Records was a fun one. Okay not really, but it's been hot. On Tuesday I had to look up more college newspapers for Ryan, which I did. I've collected a huge list of them. I just have to look up the conferences that the schools are in and then look up their newspaper. Though some of the websites for the newspapers don't have their mailing address on there so that always makes it hard to get in contact with them. That's all I really did on Tuesday.

On Wednesday I had to send out some more blog emails like usual. That wasn't so bad, just the same old thing that I usually do every Wednesday. I send out the emails to the same places every week hoping that the band will get mentioned. Though it has happened twice to The Z-MO Trio. So that is good, knowing that all my hard work is getting paid off.

This week Ryan is going to be gone, so we get to work with Brian, so that will be good. You know experience something else besides Ryan, though he is great. I wonder what we will be doing this week without Ryan there. Hmmm, you'll have to wait till next week to find out what I did this week.


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