Sunday, July 13, 2008


Hey guys

Well its been some time since I updated you with another epic of my internship here in LA because allot has happened since the last time I wrote, I mean a lot, I do apologize for this late blog, but I do have to say that I do get caught up with other stuff and I seem to get side track all the time when I want to write and its been really busy. So sit back and let me take you on a ride on my adventure so far.

The few weeks have been really crazy full of fun and excitement and my internship keeps getting better and better each day, I'm telling you now, I don't want to go back or should I say leave LA, it’s awesome out here. So like 4 weeks ago we where graced with the appearance of a hip-hop group from the south known as Nappy Roots. They came by the Urban Network so we can have a listen to there up coming album which sounds great and has this a great southern vibe to it, so trust me on this one, I advise everyone to have a look out for the album when it comes out. Meeting these guys and getting know them and just learning from them was worthwhile.

That same week during the weekend Joel, Tracy and I dressed up looked fresh and went over to see the Premier of SEX AND THE CITY. I have to tell you that this movie was ok from a guy’s point of view but from a girl, it was the best thing that was ever created, lol. Which I think is true because when we got to the amazing theater called the Bridge, all the women had there gorgeous dresses on and heels and looked like they where the girls from sex and the city, which I thought was really interesting to observe if you know what I mean hahahahaha. Anyway I guess the new thing in LA is wear watch you are going to watch so I can't wait to see what people are going to be wearing next week when the new Batman comes out.

The Following week at work Maurice and I attended an event for Karina Pasain, hosted by K- Day radio station at a skating ring. The event went well and it was great fun. I got to the chance to put on some skates and just try show off some moves which I couldn't do because it had been at least 9 years since I had put on some skates so this was a chance to laugh at me and see me try and skate for it was very funny seeing me skate but I did get my motion on and was skating away eventually. Karina then came on stage that was on the center of the skating ring and performed a number of songs, which was really entertaining, and the girl could really sing for a 16 year old. So I congratulate her on her upcoming album, it’s going to be a success. So after the event we went to grab some food and unfortunately on our way there, our friend that also interns with us, (Jayson) car broke down, and at this point we new we were up for an adventure. But luckily we weren't too far from Warren's apartment, so that was a good thing. We began to walk towards his place when things changed and Warren wanted us to have a taste of the Hollywood hills and see the lights of the LA from the La Parc hotel roof. I just knew then that this was going to be amazing. On our way there we walked through a gas station, and realized that we were in the middle of a movie scene, and we were told to quickly get out the way, I thought this was funny, and now I can say that yes I have been in a movie scene. So we got to the hotel and went on the roof and it was just amazing to see the skyline of the LA city, the view was incredible, something that I hadn't seen in years.

That weekend Nick came by and picked Tracey, Joel and I, and took us to the Bob Dylan exhibit at the Skirl Ball center. This was a big learning experience about a man who changed the face of music. This was a really interesting exhibit and had so much information and crafts and work that Bob Dylan had done over the period of 10years of his life (1956-1966) this was truly amazing and it was something that I wish a lot of people could attend. That night we all hung out by the sunset strip and just walked around and observed the various activities that were going on, basically the night life of the strip.

The following week at work was pretty busy, for we are preparing for the companies marketing campaign for their conference in Houston in Texas, coming up in September. I have learned so much so far with my internship in the marketing and branding side of things, but still have a lot coming for me that I cant wait to get my hands on. That week a friend of mine phoned me from Minnesota introduced to me to a friend from Zimbabwe named Vivian. Vivian and I met up and she showed a bit of the nightlife of LA and we just hung out and did a lot of getting to know each other. The next day Vivian and her friend Karina took me to the Farmers Market by Fairfax, and this place was crazy, and had so much food, but not just any old food, but different kinds of food to, American burgers African, French crepes, and Japanese food.
This place was tasteful and Karina and I had some Brazilian food and it was delicious. We had so much to eat and After a good lunch we walked around the area and had a look at the different stores that were around us, and we were luckily to be in the scene of the Premier of a movie that has just come out called "Kit Kittredge: An American Girl". Well we didn't stay to see the whole event for we had other plans. That night Joel Cooper was celebrating his 21st and I have to say buddy we had a great time and Happy birthday once again even though it was a while ago but we had fun, that night.

To be continued…………………………


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