Sunday, July 13, 2008

Evan Gundlach, Universal, Twin Cities

Hey again, Well this week at universal was a pretty slow one, but it was still a lot of fun. Tuesday I got all caught up in the album tracking database. I’m not fully caught up since they want to go back another full year but I was still pretty happy about it. Thursday was pretty much working on the same thing only I got invited to help out at the three doors down and hinder show on the 21st of august, but unfortunately I might be out of town. I also helped get the food order ready for Friday’s music meeting since we hadn’t had one in a while. I was pretty excited for the music meeting on Friday. We got to watch new videos from the game and Sheryl crow, along with hearing new tracks from hinders new album. I helped run the lights at the music meeting and at the end everyone went around and told people about up coming shows. The flobots are coming to town on the 21st of august as well so I’m trying to get a ticket and go to that. I finished the database up to as far as they had it so I left a half hour early after I helped with the mail. It was a good time and I’m looking forward to finding out about these up coming shows.

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