Sunday, July 20, 2008

The White Stallion

Hey there again, another week at Soup Bowl Records done with. This week I could say was a bit more productive, yeah that's a good word for this week.

Well on Tuesday I had to go through all of Ryan's venues for each state and put them in an excel document with the name, address, contact, phone number and all that good stuff. It was a fun time, I didn't mind doing it. Ryan wanted to do a video update for Soup Bowl but no one wanted to talk except for me, but in the end we didn't do it. It would have been fun though. After I had finished up a state for Ryan he showed me how to update the Soup Bowl website, which was fun. I like to use html stuff, I do a lot of it with my myspace and what not. I got to update the website and post a little blog about what is new with Soup Bowl, which is just The New Monarchs joining us.

On Wednesday I had to type up an Management Agreement for five or so artist, that was cool. I love reading that stuff and looking at what they agree to. After typing that and printing it all out, I had to go to class but after class I had to start looking up some more music blogs. We need more electronic music blogs for The New Monarchs since they are more that genre and all the other music blogs we have are rock oriented.

That was what my week consisted of and I'm sure this week will be jammed pack with more blogs and venues. But till then,

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